Thursday, November 24, 2016

UTS NIA SAPITRI 165520110009


8. What is the function of RAM?
Jawaban :
Fungsi dari RAM  adalah untuk membntu kinerja komputer agar bisa menyimpan
Data secara sementara.
Fungsi utama ram dari RAM hanya menyimpan data secara sementara tidak di petakan
Seperti hardisk.

8. What expanded functions does IMAP (Internet Message
Access Protocol) have?
Jawaban :
IMAP (Internet Message
Access Protocol)  adalah protokal standar untuk mengakses/mengambil e-mail dari server.
IMAP memungkinkan pengguna memilih pesan email yang akan diambil, membuat foldwr di server, mencari pesan email tertentu atau bahkan menghapus pesan email yang ada.


8. What are the three components of system software?
What is the basic function of each?
Jawaban :
• Operating systems    : An operating system is the principal component of
                                                   system software in any computing system.
• Device drivers                      : Device drivers help the computer control peripheral devices.
• Utility programs       : Utility programs are generally used to support,
   enhance, or expand existing programs in a computer system.

3. What’s the difference between RAM and ROM?
Jawaban :
RAM (random access memory) chips temporarily hold (1) software
instructions and (2) data before and after it is processed by the CPU.
Think of RAM as the primary workspace inside your computer. When you
open a file, a copy of the file transfers from the hard disk to RAM, and this
copy in RAM is the one that changes as you work with the file. When you
activate the Save command, the changed copy transfers from RAM back to
permanent storage on the hard drive.
Because its contents are temporary, RAM is said to be volatile —the contents
are lost when the power goes off or is turned off. This is why you
should frequently —every 5–10 minutes, say—transfer (save) your work to a
secondary storage medium such as your hard disk, in case the electricity goes
off while you’re working. (However, there is one kind of RAM, called flash
RAM, that is not temporary, as we’ll discuss shortly.)

to which data is constantly being added and removed, ROM (read-only
memory) cannot be written on or erased by the computer user without
special equipment. ROM chips contain fixed start-up instructions.
That is, ROM chips are loaded, at the factory, with programs containing
special instructions for basic computer operations, such as those that start the
computer (BIOS) or put characters on the screen. These chips are nonvolatile;
their contents are not lost when power to the computer is turned off.
ROM kependekan dari read only memory, yaitu perangkat keras pada komputer berupa chip memori semikontuktor yang isinya hanya dapat dibaca. ROM ridak dapat digolongkan sebagai RAM, walau pun keduanya memiliki kesamaan yaitu dapat mengakses secara acak( random). ROM berbeda dengan RAM

4. What is source data entry?
Jawaban :
Data-data yang masuk tersebut membentuk database(data dasar)
Sebuah kumpulan data yang masuk.
